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You have your business sorted, you have your money sorted. What’s next?

This pillar is all about the future for you as a couple (or individual if you are single).

This is where you become Money Masters, you are competent and confident with money.

You don’t keep secrets, you are on the same page and communicate well about money.

You are building your nest egg and are well on the way to financial security (whatever that means for you).

Now is the time to really hone in on your relationship and create your shared vision for the future.

What do you want to be remembered for?  What is the legacy that you want to leave.

I help you create the vision for the future you, by creating your life and your financial goals.

To help implement your financial goals, I can refer you to one of my amazing Financial Advisors, who can put a financial plan together that helps meet the objectives we have come up with.

Sometimes, life just doesn’t go as we plan, and we get to a point in time, where the vision for the future is apart, not together.  We have to face this reality too, and I can help you with that transition too.

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