01 Feb

Navigating Finances in Relationships

Auckland Money Advisor Financial Planner in Auckland Auckland Financial Consultant
In the ever-evolving landscape of relationships, the age-old practice of merging finances and changing names has given way to a more nuanced approach. Many couples maintain separate identities and finances due to increasing relationship
10 Apr

Financial Abuse, it isn’t just the elderly!

Talking about any type of abuse is difficult and when we think about financial abuse it often conjures up images of older people exploited by overbearing relatives or caregivers, a scenario frequently reported in the media.  However, a less
03 Apr

Let’s make savings fun again!

Saving up is hard to do… sounds like a song, doesn’t it?  The musician in me can’t help carrying the music theme through this topic, to try and liven up what can a little bit of a dry subject. 
27 Mar

How to keep Easter spending in check

With Easter upon us, it’s hard to ignore the colourful displays of chocolate eggs and bunny-shaped treats appearing earlier every year. But before you dive headfirst into the seasonal splurge, here are some tips to help you avoid overspending
21 Feb

A Man is Not a Retirement Plan

Many moons ago, when I was growing up, I remember my dad jokingly (I hope) saying I should marry a rich farmer, and life would be good. Fortunately, mum didn’t agree, and she suggested that instead of that option
07 Feb

What Money Really Means to Us

Auckland Money Advisor, Financial Planner in Auckland, Auckland Financial Consultant
I’ve been thinking a lot about what money means in our lives. Is it about financial independence, financial security, or just learning financial management? Well, it’s time we dive deeper into this. First things first, we