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The secrets that men keep from women

I’m always scanning global publications for articles about human behaviour and the relationship with money.  An article popped up in my feed that ticked both these boxes (money and psychology) and, at first glance, it did seem to be all about money.

It turned out that only part of it was. However, the rest of the article dealt with human relationships, specifically men and women in relationships.

The story, published by a site called The Urban Twist, looked at the top five secrets men kept from women. The number one secret that men keep from women is money. Surprise, surprise!

Since what I mentor (money psychology) is inextricably linked with human relationships, I decided to dissect the whole article here. Enjoy!

Recent studies suggest that men tend to be less forthright than women, especially in their interactions with the opposite gender. So, what’s the nature of these untruths? While some are fairly benign, others may warrant an open conversation. Here are five key secrets men often keep from women:

1. The Money Matters

Money-related secrets often top the list.

If a man’s partner earns more, he might not be entirely honest about his own income. Many also downplay or hide their weekly spending habits, from casual dining to entertainment. In fact, some men maintain a clandestine “rainy day” fund. However, money remains a touchy subject for many, irrespective of gender.

2. Concealing True Feelings

Men might not always be forthcoming about their deepest emotions.

Society has conditioned many to suppress feelings of fear, anxiety, or vulnerability. However, initiating a heartfelt conversation can bridge this emotional disconnect. Lead by expressing your own feelings – it reminds men that being in touch with one’s emotions is natural.

3. Appearance Matters to Us Too

Contrary to popular belief, men too have appearance-related insecurities.

While women are generally more vocal about their self-image concerns, men grapple with them silently. A kind word or two about how they look can boost their confidence. Also, fashion advice or gifting a classy shirt or pair of trousers ahead of a special occasion will likely be appreciated.

4. Noticing Other Women

Men do find other women appealing, but this doesn’t inherently spell disloyalty.

Acknowledging someone’s attractiveness is a far cry from seeking a new partner. Men can appreciate beauty without compromising their commitment.

5. Opting for the Easier Path with Lies

At times, men sidestep the truth to avoid confrontation. While these lies are intended to keep the peace, they can sometimes cause more harm than good.

Looking Beyond the Secrets

With a clearer understanding of these male secrets, one can better navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships. Often, these secrets stem from a genuine desire to keep the peace and promote happiness.

However, the subject of financial infidelity is particularly glaring. Concealing financial realities is a severe trust violation, with the potential for lasting relationship harm.

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